Saturday, December 25, 2010


So I realize that I am not very good at keeping up with this blog. But, let me plead my case. For the better part of this last month, the Mister’s parents have been staying with us. You see, he has been playing and his parents have never missed a game in his life. So supportive. Which is great. However....we live in a studio apartment. With one bathroom. One bed. One couch...Four People...Get where I’m going with this? It has been a long month. So any alone time I had was spent curled in the fetal position with a cup of coffee in one hand and a Bud Light in the other. Don’t judge me. There... I think that was a pretty justified excuse? 

For the record, I do love the Mister's parents
They are incredible, and support us like you wouldn't believe.
But, I do love alone time, too.
And....strong coffee.
In the meantime, I have been doing a great deal of Christmas shopping and had fun cramming as many Christmas decorations into our tiny apartment as I could. It was like VEGAS in our home. SO fun. Speaking of Vegas, I am currently on a flight home to Colorado as we speak! I am so excited to see family and spend time with my friends!! And I am currently drinking airplane coffee, which is surprisingly yummy. Kudos, Southwest. 
But what about the Mister, you ask? Well the Mister is playing in Cincinnati on Sunday and he leaves VERY early on Saturday morning. Saturday being Christmas day. SO rather than spending Christmas morning alone, in an airport I said, “Babe, I love you. I’m leaving and never looking back. Adios”
Okay, so not really. But I did leave him. 
Before you start scolding me, we had our Christmas last night and it was wonderful. I made a delicious roast with fried onions on top and creamy mashed potatoes with green chillis. Then we opened presents and spoiled the shit (Sorry, Grammy) out of each other. It’s what we do. Leaving him this morning at the airport was a lot harder than I expected. But I am so looking forward to seeing my family and spending Xmas with them!! AND I also get to see their faces when they open their gifts from us, which will be wonderful! 

While I am home I have so much to do...I think this calls for a list...? 
  1. Drink coffee with mom, grammy, myself...lots of coffee.
  2. Eat. 
  3. Spend time with my bestest friend ever, Ms. Bessie
  4. Soak up as much Grammy time as I possibly can
  5. Stare at the mountains
  6. Play with my new camera
  7. Drink coffee
Should be a GREAT week. AND, the Mister plays in Denver on the second, so there will be football watching, too! Go Bolts! :) 
I promise, that I will be better about keeping up with this! Season is coming to an end...which means alone time will be a more constant occurrence. Can I get an amen?! 
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! 
