Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Short Ribs, Love, and Hippos

Warning: The following, way-too-long-post, is pretty mushy and romantic. I will not be offended if you immediately click the "Back" button! 

Monday was the third anniversary for the Mister and I. It has been the bumpiest year of all time; not just in our relationship but in my personal life and his as well. We have grown together so much this year, and learning to be supportive of each other has been the biggest lesson. There were many days in this past year when I have wanted to find a corner, grab my snuggie, curl up and just cry. But I knew he needed me to be strong for him, so I pulled myself out of it, put on my "It's all guna be fine face," (which REQUIRES waterproof mascara) and made 4 pots of coffee. And he has done just the same for me. Well, not the coffee part, he knows not to touch my coffee, but I know that if I need him, he is right by my side. 
{Speaking of my lover, I am currently enjoying an iced americano from Starbucks. Now...I don't typically drink iced coffee, however I walked here and became so sweaty that I think the people sitting around me would appreciate if I cooled off. So, iced coffee it is.}
Back to anniversary talk- So, I had been planning to make a wonderful anniversary meal for the Mister. When, I came across Pioneer Woman's "beef short ribs" recipe it was as if lights shown down from the anniversary gods and a voice said, "This shall be what you make." Now, I had never made, eaten or even seen beef short ribs, but that was beside the point. They looked delicious and there is no arguing with voices you hear from the anniversary gods. You just listen and obey, so I did. 

Beef Short Ribs
Creamy Garlic Mashed Taters
Corn Bread 
Veggies? Ha! Have you met my Mister? No, no veggies.

This was before it went in the oven for 3 1/2 hours
Yes, that is bacon, on top of ribs, don't judge me, I followed the recipe.

 For those who don't know me, I make cards and scrapbook. And if you have one of my cards, you're welcome. I know its awesome. Did you frame it? Put it on display? Cause I would do that. Maybe, shine a light on it?.... Just sayin'.          
      This is the card I made the Mister...
I really like how it turned out. It opens up, I didn't take an inside picture though. 
 Kinda hard to read, but it says, 
"Being in LOVE with you is my favorite thing"

I had everything ready for when the Mister walked in the door after a hard day of practice. And with him he had roses and a gift certificate to Barnes & Nobles. I asked for two books, and he decided rather than search the bookstore (These things can be intimidating for a big football player), he would just let me do the picking! So, with the roses as my (not so center) centerpiece, here is the table!

The Ribs were AMAZING. So tender and juicy.
The "rib sauce" was incredible on the taters. 
I had planned on making Monkey Bread for dessert, but we decided that going for ice cream was a better idea. So, we went to Baskin' Robbins where I got coffee ice cream in a waffle cone bowl, and when I tasted it, I passed out and dropped to the floor. Then, the Mister kicked me awake and I finished my ice cream in one bite. Needless to say, I really like coffee ice cream. After that we went home and played Scrabble and watched a movie.
{Why are you laughing? Yes, we actually played Scrabble. 
Yes, we have a Scrabble board. Yes, it was my idea. 
I love making the tiles perfectly straight. 
Yes I have to beg him to play with me... 
No, I didn't win...
I don't want to talk about Scrabble anymore.}

Sorry, the mushy anniversary talk isn't over yet. I warned you. It went on to Tuesday, because Tuesdays are the ONE day of the week that I have the Mister home ALL DAY. And usually he wants to sit on the couch, watch movies, eat cream of wheat, and do absolutely nothing. 
(Have I mentioned that I HATE making cream of wheat? 
I hate it, I hate stirring the milk and cleaning the ridiculously sticky pot.
But the Mister loves it. 
And I love the Mister, so I make it.
But, for the record, I hate cream of wheat.} 
So, on Tuesdays, I have to beg, and whine and annoy him just enough to get him off the couch and then we follow the plans I made 4 days ago. It's what I do. This Tuesday, I decided we should go to the San Diego Zoo and we did. I win! :) It was a BLAST! That place is huge, we were there for 5 hours! We went straight for the Hippos, because they are my most, absolute favorite animal in the world. Spent a good 20 minutes there talking to them through the very dirty glass in my most perfect Hippo voice. (Similar to my puppy voice, but just a hair different.) The Mister sat patiently on the benches waiting for me to shut up, then we walked around the rest of the zoo, rode the Gondola, looked at many wonderful animals, and saw a Gorilla fight (way cool).

Not a great picture, but c'mon, look at him. 
You just wanna wrap your arms around him and put a big smooch on his nose. 
No? Just me? Whatever. I love him. 

There were beautiful trees behind us, but my camera decided it wanted to ruin everything.
Thanks, camera.
It was a really great two-day anniversary, and I really love that boy. Hard to believe its been 3 years since we met. But, it's been an amazing 3 years and regardless of what city we are in, or what paths we take, I will always have this Mister by my side, cream of wheat on the stove, coffee by the potful, and weekend (Or Tuesday) plans brewin' in my head.